If You Want Love Give Love

Last week I woke up to the words in my head CO2 O2 H2O. So naturally as always I went to my journal to try and understand why I was receiving this message. This is what flowed through me when I asked “what do those letters and numbers mean for me?”

For you it means, if you want Love- give love. If you want life, give life. If you want money, give money. Be the change you want to see. Be the best version of yourself. If you are to be 100% honest with yourself, how are you showing up for your family right now?

Pay heed to this- show lightheartedness, laughter and love. Be flexible, give love, time and kindness. Be patient and tolerant. Turn the other cheek. Be humble. – TéO

This resonated deeply with me as I had been having a challenge in a relationship that I held very dear.

The next day I went to that person, apologized and committed to being more intentional and present with them.

Within 24 hours, the change I felt within was remarkable, palatable and noticeable.

What if we all lived our lives this way?

Published by Niki Chopra Richardson

Love writing about food and travel (www.thegalavantinggastronome.com) and my conversations with God (https://gitanjali.yoga). Born and raised in India. Sailor's daughter. Travel is in my DNA. Married to a scientist, who is a chemist professionally and in every other culinary way. Food, coffee, cocktails, BBQ, smoked meats, rubs, sauces...he experiments with it all - with way more wins than misses. We love the outdoors. Hiking, kayaking and camping make us happy. We are equal opportunity foodies. We love hole in the wall little mom and pop places, and fancy multi-coursed Michelin star meals as well. And, we love talking about what we love about the food, drink, coffee and anything else we get to try.

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